Directory/License Info.

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This panel shows License information which is set in DynaRod.

License information cannot be changed after it is set in the system.

User can change the location of  data folder to any existing path of directory.  DynaRod writes the excel output files to the specified folder right after it is changed.
It is user's responsibility where to set this folder since recent OS checks security strictly.

Function Buttons
Name Function
Check Directory checks if the specified directory path actually exists
Return to Archive returns to Archive screen

Data on the Screen
Item Meaning
Data Directory specifies the directory path to which output is written.  
System default is "\data" under the home directory of DynaRod.  Any folder path name within 255 bytes can be specified.
User ID shows user ID which is assigned to the user
User First Name self explanatory
User Last Name self explanatory
License Type shows type of license
License Code shows encoded license code
License Start Date shows the start date of the license 
Name of Product self explanatory
Version self explanatory