This table carries the attributes of ferrule and used to auto select the ferrule size according to the dimension of rod taper, and finally to calculate moment value which is caused by the ferrules. DynaRod has a logic to determine the actual length of rod sections using the number of pieces value and the total length of the rod. Further, determine the cutting points for each section on the taper (as a rod taper is in one piece mode) . By this, DynaRod can know the dimension of the ferrule mounting locations and the fitting diameter of ferrules. Determining logic of ferrule size is to find the greater or equal size of inner diameter than the dimension of the ferrule mounting location on the taper. Cutting points which are calculated, assure that all the rod sections
will result in the same length after ferrule(s) are mounted. This panel shows both of inch/ounce columns and mm/gram columns. When entering data on one side (inch/ounce for instance), another corresponding side (mm/gram) of columns is automatically calculated. User can define any number or any type of ferrule sets which are identified by Ferrule Type field. e.g.: Bamboo Ferrule set Ferrule type= 'Bamboo' and 'Splice' is set in this table. Unless Bamboo Ferrule Set is defined in the form of length, weight, inner diameter and the length, Bamboo word means in DynaRod that the ferrule attribute is included in the rod dimensions. Splice word is the same. In case of ferrule type is Bamboo or Splice, DynaRod will not seach ferrule table for the purpose. At any rate, DynaRod's calculation does not take into account of deflection of ferrule itself, so far. But for Bamboo or Splice, its deflection is rod deflection itself. So, if user want to include the deflection of splice or bamboo ferrule, rod dimension has to be added for the purpose.
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