Dimension Graph

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This panel shows a graph of the taper which is to be saved in DynaRod, or which is saved  in DynaRod.

The graph can take two aspects, one is the graph of the taper in work area and the other is the taper which is recorded in the Archive.  

While working on the dimension input area, the graph is created from the work area and the graph title has the word "Work Area".   

When the dimension is stored into the Archive, the graph is created from the Archived taper and the graph title has the word "Archived Dimensions"

This dimension graph shows the original taper data even if it is propagated in 1", not of 1" internal taper.

The taper graph of 1" internal taper should be referred to the output taper graph of [Deflection/Stress], [Design by Deflection] and [Design by Stress] respectively.