Comparison Graphs

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Up Dimension Graph Deflection Graph Action Genome Stress Curve Dimension vs Action Genome Dimension vs Stress Curve Moment by Parts Moment at Grip

This panel shows all the available output graphs of this function.

On some of the graphs, original rod graph is drawn in red line and the converted (or new)  rod  is drawn in blue line.

This function creates (or updates) the excel file but generate none of entry in DynaRod Archive.  

The output excel file is named as  "str" + original RodID + ".xls" and saved in "data" folder.  

To record the converted rod specifications and taper in DynaRod Archive, use [Save as new] button.

Function Buttons

Name Function
Excel/Zoom shows a separate Excel window with larger resolution
Compare Dimensions shows history of dimensions in number among Template, Previous and Latest.
Dimension graph shows comparison graph of dimension
Deflection shows comparison graph of deflections
Action Genome shows comparison graph of action genome
Stress Curve shows comparison graph of stress curve
Dimension vs Action Genome Shows compound graph of dimension and action genome
Dimension vs Stress shows compound graph of dimension and stress curve
Moment by Parts shows moment graph by rod parts of new rod
Moment at Grip shows moment at grip graph of new rod
Save as new saves the new (converted) rod specifications and its taper into DynaRod with the specified RodID in new RodID field.
If the same name exists, it is overwritten.
Taper data is taken out by the interval according to the value in PF Station interval field on the new specification page (1st page).
Return to Archive returns to Archive screen

Data on the screen

Item Meaning
Compare with in this field, template RodID is filled as Default.
This field is combo box and shows pull down list when clicked.
This feature allows you to compare the resulted rod to any of rod which reside in Archive.
In the case the specified rod is not generate the excel output of [Deflection / Stress], message will prompt to the effect.

As a hidden option, you can compare the resulted rod with the rod in existing excel output files in data folder.  In this case, specify the name of excel file like, defxxxxxx or strxxxxxx with no file extension. (xxxxxx is rod id).

Reset This button clears the compared rod data out of the graphs.
new Rod ID specifies new RodID to save the calculated dimension with changed rod specification to Archive.  Should not save with the name of  "str" + original rod id.

Deflection and Action Genome

DynaRod uses the following measurement to represent the rod deflection.

Rod Angle

As shown in the graph below, rod angle is the angle which is made between vertical line and the line which connect butt end and tip top.

The less this angle is, the stiffer (or faster) the rod becomes. 

Rod Stiffness

The existing definition of rod action type, such as "Fast action is the rod whose 30 % of tip section deflects", may not be applied for any parabolic action rod.  It would be necessary to implement the standardized measurement for any kind of action rod.

DynaRod proposes to implement a new measure of rod stiffness based on the Rod Angle as follows;

"The Rod Stiffness is defined by Rod Angle which is calculated or measured under an standardized load."

The standardized load are;

rod is under the load of 4G acceleration
rod is moved translated
if calculated result is used, it should be by dynamic calculation 
Line to Fish is assumed as follows;
    #3    30 feet
    #4    40 feet
    #5    50 feet
    #6    60 feet
    #7    70 feet
    #8    80 feet
    #9    90 feet

Rod Angle

Rod Stiffness

-15° Very Hard
15°-20° Hard
20°-25° Medium Hard
25°-30° Medium
30°-35° Medium Soft
35°-40° Soft
40°- Very Soft

This is to describe a rod stiffness, not rod action.  For rod action, Action Genome is measure for the proposed type of action.

Tip Top Tangent Angle

The Angle made between a vertical line and tangent of the 1st 1" of the tip top when an entire rod bend is measured in 1".

According to the physical rule, this angle represent the total of each bend angle for each 1" section of the rod.  The 1" section's bend angle is measured against the angle of 1" prior section.  So Top Tangent Angle can be said as the total of rod bends or magnitude of bend angle.

Action Genome

When measures the bend angle of each 1" section on the rod against one previous 1" section, each section's bend angle shows the plot as above.  This curve is very resembles to stress curve.  This action genome is the one which corresponds to the rod deflection graph shown above.  Both of two graphs co-relate to each other and moves in coordinated fashion on the same page of Deflection Designer tool which is packaged in DynaRod.

This action genome can be understand exactly it shows the exact bend angle from previous 1" section.  The higher part of the graph bends more.

The benefit of those graphs as the design tool, are 

 we can see both graphs at the same time and co-related
 we can reverse calculate the dimension from the action genome

Deflection Designer tool is good to clarify the fly fishers requirements for a rod.

Assumptions of calculation

Each graph carries the assumed information when it is calculated at the upper left corner as shown below.

This is to compare with the current information in the Archive if some data is changed or not.

The following data items are printed;

Rod Type, Rod ID, Rod Length, no of pieces, assumed Casting Style, Line Type, Line Wt, Line to Fish, Tip acceleration in G, weight of Fly, weight of Fish, Rod Angle, Top Angle, used Bamboo, used Lvalue.  Note: Top Angle is for tip top tangent angle.